object(Zend_Session_Exception)#10885 (8) {
  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
  ["message":protected] => string(46) "Zend_Session is currently marked as read-only."
  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
  ["code":protected] => int(0)
  ["file":protected] => string(110) "/home/rocketshar/domains/rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com/public_html/lib/Zend/Session/Namespace.php"
  ["line":protected] => int(322)
  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(13) {
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      ["line"] => int(210)
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            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(37) "/application/privacypolicy/index/id/1"
          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(50) "https://rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com"
          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(37) "/application/privacypolicy/index/id/1"
          ["_params":protected] => array(5) {
            ["module"] => string(11) "application"
            ["controller"] => string(13) "privacypolicy"
            ["action"] => string(5) "index"
            ["id"] => string(1) "1"
            ["error_handler"] => object(ArrayObject)#12584 (1) {
              ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                ["exception"] => object(Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception)#12593 (8) {
                  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
                  ["message":protected] => string(42) "Invalid controller specified (application)"
                  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
                  ["code":protected] => int(0)
                  ["file":protected] => string(123) "/home/rocketshar/domains/rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com/public_html/lib/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line":protected] => int(248)
                  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(4) {
                    [0] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(109) "/home/rocketshar/domains/rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com/public_html/lib/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                      ["line"] => int(963)
                      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
                      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
                        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#5631 (8) {
                          ["_body":protected] => array(1) {
                            ["default"] => string(15644) "<!DOCTYPE html><html>
        <title>Informativa sulla privacy</title>
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        <script type="text/javascript"

        <script type="text/javascript">
            tmp_directory = "/var/tmp";
            window.messages = {};
            window.messages.uploadInProgress = "Caricamento in corso ...";
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                                    let existing_steps = [];
            function launchBootstrapTour() {
                if(!window.localStorage.getItem("sb-tour")) {

                    let step_to_display = [];

                    for(let key in existing_steps) {
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                        } else {
                            tour = new Tour({
                                template: "<div class='popover tour content-white-bkg'>" +
                                "<div class='arrow'></div>" +
                                "<h3 class='popover-title title-editor border-blue'></h3>" +
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                                "</div><div class='col-md-6'><button class='form-control btn color-blue' data-role='next'>Prossimo »</button>" +
                                "</div></div><div class='row'><div class='col-md-12 text-center first-row-feature'><a class='end-tour' data-role='end'>End tour</a></div></div>" +
                                "</div>" +
                                steps: step_to_display,
                                backdrop: true

                            // Initialize the tour

                            // Start the tour
                    } else {

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<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

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     * Don't show mask on load (it's done elsewhere), and will also pop every 12 seconds because of the appId poller
    $(document).ajaxStart(function() {

     * Hide loader (sometimes it's not hidden by the ajaxRequest)
    $(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
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        <script type="text/javascript">
            let tour = null;

            // Hooking up ajax responses for badges feature
                statusCode: {
                    400: function (err) {
                        try {
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                            // If the refresh flag is set, ie response is like {"refresh": true}
                            if (refresh) {
                                // alert the user and refresh the page
                                alert("You cannot have multiple sessions to manage apps, so the session for this app is closed. This page is about to be reloaded.");
                        } catch (e) {
                            // Silent
                dataFilter: function (data, type) {
                    if (type === 'json') {
                        var _data = JSON.parse(data);
                        if (_data.hasOwnProperty('badge')) {
                            try {
                                var valueId = _data.badge.valueId;
                                var badge = $('.live-badge[rel=' + valueId + ']');
                                var count = parseInt(_data.badge.count);
                                if (count > 0) {
                                    if (count > 99) {
                                        count = '99+';
                                    // Update badges
                                } else {
                            } catch (e) {
                                // Silent

                    return data;

            $(document).ready(function() {
                $('#change_language').change(function() {
                    window.location = $(this).val();

                // Instance the tour

            function featureNotAvailable() {
                new AlertMessage('Please create the API keys to enable this feature.', true)
                          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
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            // Hooking up ajax responses for badges feature
                statusCode: {
                    400: function (err) {
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                            // If the refresh flag is set, ie response is like {"refresh": true}
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                                alert("You cannot have multiple sessions to manage apps, so the session for this app is closed. This page is about to be reloaded.");
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                dataFilter: function (data, type) {
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                                var count = parseInt(_data.badge.count);
                                if (count > 0) {
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                // Instance the tour

            function featureNotAvailable() {
                new AlertMessage('Please create the API keys to enable this feature.', true)
          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(1) {
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              ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(3) {
                ["exception"] => object(Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception)#12593 (8) {
                  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
                  ["message":protected] => string(42) "Invalid controller specified (application)"
                  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
                  ["code":protected] => int(0)
                  ["file":protected] => string(123) "/home/rocketshar/domains/rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com/public_html/lib/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
                  ["line":protected] => int(248)
                  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(4) {
                    [0] => array(6) {
                      ["file"] => string(109) "/home/rocketshar/domains/rocketsharingclub.segnalazionevincente.com/public_html/lib/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
                      ["line"] => int(963)
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                      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
                      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
                      ["args"] => array(2) {
                        [0] => *RECURSION*
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            window.messages.uploadInProgress = "Caricamento in corso ...";
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                                    let existing_steps = [];
            function launchBootstrapTour() {
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                                "</div></div><div class='row'><div class='col-md-12 text-center first-row-feature'><a class='end-tour' data-role='end'>End tour</a></div></div>" +
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                                backdrop: true

                            // Initialize the tour

                            // Start the tour
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     * Don't show mask on load (it's done elsewhere), and will also pop every 12 seconds because of the appId poller
    $(document).ajaxStart(function() {

     * Hide loader (sometimes it's not hidden by the ajaxRequest)
    $(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
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            // Hooking up ajax responses for badges feature
                statusCode: {
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                                alert("You cannot have multiple sessions to manage apps, so the session for this app is closed. This page is about to be reloaded.");
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                dataFilter: function (data, type) {
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                $('#change_language').change(function() {
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                // Instance the tour

            function featureNotAvailable() {
                new AlertMessage('Please create the API keys to enable this feature.', true)
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